Almasi Alliance Fellowships and Grants are designed to facilitate the cultural exchange between Dramatic Artists in Zimbabwe and Dramatic Artists in the United States of America. These grants will provide substantial support for the artists and the cultural exchanges allowing the artists to develop both professionally and artistically. By providing opportunities for professional development and by best meeting the artists’ needs, these fellowships and grants aim to give the artist an opportunity to hone their craft, to focus on their art form and to release their unique artistic voice into the larger global community with skill.
To facilitate educational programs where American Artists visit Zimbabwe to teach and mentor Zimbabwean artists. These vary in amount in accordance with the number of Americans attending the program.
$5,000 – $7,000 (USD)
Grants awarded to American artists traveling to Zimbabwe are to cover the costs of travel to Zimbabwe and conducting an educational artistic exchange. The grant covers the cost of airfare, accommodation, ground transport, per diem and a stipend.
American applicants will be selected by the Almasi Alliance Artistic Director and Associate Artistic Director.
Applications will be assessed based on professional achievement, the application and the ability to teach the Dramatic Arts.
The Assistant Artistic Director and Artistic Director will identify eligible artists who may be invited to apply. Applicants will complete and submit applications and supplemental materials via the Almasi website.
The Almasi Advisory board will review the applications along with the AD and Assistant AD and select shortlisted candidates as grant recipients.
Applications available when grant period is active.
To facilitate African Dramatic Artists of exceptional ability and promise who have economic need with their professional and educational development. This grant provides the artists with an opportunity to focus exclusively on their artistic development and experience relief from every day expenses over the course of a year of Almasi educational and professional programs in Zimbabwe.
$2,500 – $5,000 (USD) per Artist
This fellowship is awarded to exceptional dramatic artists living in Zimbabwe. The fellowship is designed to ease the economic stress of every day life and allow an artist the freedom to develop their craft in the Dramatic Arts and focus on their creative output for the duration of the grant period. These grants will also allow recipients to source the necessary materials to complete their creative work successfully. As part of their fellowship applicants will participate in Almasi Collaborative Arts programs and productions during the course of their fellowship. Allowing them to gain exposure to American teaching mentors and facilitators. This fellowship is also awarded to Exceptional Zimbabwean artists who have a financial need to take advantage of an educational opportunity in the United States.
Applications submitted by Zimbabwean artists will be assessed by the Artistic Director and an Advisory Board comprising Zimbabwean Artists. The board will assess the applicants’ body of work, recommendations and personal statement. Final round applicants will be called in for interviews. The final shortlisted applicants will then be assessed and selected by Almasi Arts Alliance Selection Committee.
Applicants will complete and submit applications and supplemental materials via the Almasi Alliance website.
Applications available when grant period is active.
To provide opportunity to exceptional African Artists who have applied for assistance to come to the US for educational purposes in the Dramatic Arts. The artist must have already received admittance to an American institution, have an arrangement with an Artistic institution for an artistic exchange or the purpose of travel must be to audition for American Institutions that do not otherwise admit artists for study.
$5,000 – $10,000 (USD)
Grants awarded to Zimbabwean artists traveling to America are awarded to promising Dramatic artists in order to facilitate travel and educational artistic exchange in the United States. Grants will be awarded to prospective students traveling to audition for Dramatic Arts programs, to supplement scholarships already received or to facilitate artistic, cultural exchanges between the African artist and an American artistic institution.
Applications submitted by Zimbabwean artists will be assessed by the Artistic Director and an Advisory Board comprising Zimbabwean Artists. The board will assess the applicants’ body of work, recommendations and personal statement. Final round applicants will be called in for interviews. The final shortlisted applicants will then be assessed and selected by Almasi Arts Alliance Selection Committee.
Applicants will complete and submit applications and supplemental materials via the Almasi Alliance website.
Applications for this grant accepted year around. Grant applications must be complete by three months to the date of proposed commencement of cultural exchange.